Against the grain -- What are your risk factors? -- THE WHOLE GRAIN TRUTH: The cornerstone of brain disease : what you don't know about inflammation -- The sticky protein : gluten's role in brain inflammation (it's not just about your belly) -- Attention, carboholics and fat phobics : surprising truths about your brain's real enemies and lovers -- Not a fruitful union : this is your rain on sugar (natural or not) ; The gift of neurogenesis and controlling master switches : how to change your genetic destiny -- Brain drain : how gluten robs you and your children's peace of mind -- Grain brain rehab. Dietary habits for an optimal brain : hello, fasting, fats, and essential supplements -- Genetic medicine : jog your genes to build a better brain -- Good night, brain : leverage your leptin to rule your hormonal kingdom -- SAY GOODBYE TO GRAIN BRAIN. A new way of life : the four-week plan of action -- Eating your way to a healthy brain : meal plans and recipes -- The mesmerizing truth.